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ESY News Bites

October 2021

October already?! Well, we are happy to usher in fall here at the Edible Schoolyard as we continue to talk a lot about seasonality in both the Garden and the Kitchen classrooms.

Much has happened in a short time. We’ve been learning about, planting and also tasting many different seeds. In the spirit of Rosh Hashanah, we even learned how pomegranates are an important symbol in the Jewish tradition and they are said to have 613 seeds, each representing one of the Commandments of the Torah. It was a delicious factoid, as we tasted the jewel toned fruit as well!

In Kitchen Class we also made fresh hummus together. Students learned some knife skills and put them to work cutting up veggies to scoop up their hummus with. We encourage you to keep them practicing their knife skills at home and to try this recipe at home with your family too- please, send us photos! All recipes will be posted on the ESY Google Classroom.

Also, in Garden, students were assigned their Compost Crew duties. We are proud of our students for being stewards of the planet and their campus, as they are teaching and learning from each other what items we compost and recycle on campus, and what has to go directly into the landfill. Again, please continue these conversations with your kids at home. If you don’t already compost, have your child help set up a system at home:)

One last item, we are in desperate need of soil donations, and lots of them!! Nickey is requesting Kellog Raised Bed and Potting Mix, Kellog Amend and Kellog Gromulch. Please bring some to the school or contact Nickey directly at for further info.

Happy FALL ya’ll.

Nickey and Mimi


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