at Selma

Larchmont at Selma is home to our 5th through 8th grade families. We have about 595 students across 20 classrooms. Each grade level is grouped into 5 pack families. Each pack, or homeroom teacher, begins the day focused on building relationships, goal-setting, strengths, and online safety.
With a deep passion for educating the whole child using a constructivist approach, Larchmont’s program encompasses interdisciplinary instruction around the core academic subjects of reading, writing, mathematics, social sciences and science, in addition to a diverse array of enrichment classes in Art, Music, Spanish, Physical Education, Gardening, Cooking, Theater, Improv, Digital Media, Leadership, Poetry, Climate Change/Social Justice, and more!
Our core values of academic achievement, diversity, and dedication to improving the world around us shine through everyday at Larchmont Charter.

Our English language arts program (ELA) is connected to the notion that reading and writing are components of one process and that each supports the growth of the other. Writers deserve to write the kinds of texts they see in the real world. Readers need opportunities to read high-level interest books of their own choosing. Using the Columbia University Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop models, students spend extended periods of time reading and discussing literature, and have continuous, repeated exposure to the process of writing. Our reading and writing units are connected to other subject areas as well. This interdisciplinary approach allows students to make connections across subject lines and utilize the skills taught in reading and writing in math, science, history, music, art, and more. In this manner we are building the skills and developing the interest and confidence needed to support lifelong readers and writers who demonstrate agency and independence, as well as the skills and strategies to ensure success.
At LCS we recognize that the “one-size fits all” model does not match the reality of students’ learning styles or needs. The Reader’s and Writer’s workshop supports the need for a differentiated curriculum. The workshop model:
Helps teachers address each student as an individual learner
Teaches strategies that can be used continuously as the child grows as a reader and writer
Supports small group work and conferring
Taps into the power of learning as part of a community
Builds choice and assessment-based learning into the design of the curriculum
Teaches students the writing process
Provides readers with opportunities to consolidate the skills they have learned so they can use these skills with automaticity
At Selma, we continue to build on students' development of math understanding established at our TK-4 campuses. The 5th grade team utilizes the Everyday Math Curriculum.
Everyday Math is a constructivist curriculum that was developed by the Chicago School of Mathematics Project. It focuses on developing children’s understandings and skills in ways that produce life-long mathematical thinkers.
In addition to Everyday Math, we also implement research based, constructivist activities and curriculum supplements such as Mathematical Mindsets by Stanford professor and leader in mathematics education research, Jo Boaler.
Beginning in our 6th grade curriculum and continuing through 7th and beyond, we utilize College Preparatory Mathematics. CPM has been a leader since 1989 in problem based, inquiry mathematics curriculum. The pinnacles of CPM stem from a research-based approach of how students develop mathematical mastery and understanding.
Through CPM, students:
Engage in problem-based lessons structured around a core idea.
Are guided by a knowledgeable teacher, while interacting in collaborative math teams to foster mathematical discourse.
Practice concepts and procedures spaced over time, with the belief of CPM that mastery takes time.
We offer several pathways for students to support where they are as math learners. Our pathways include grade-level mathematics, one year accelerated, and twice accelerated.

We consider our history curriculum to be an opportunity to promote a culturally sensitive historical perspective and to inspire civic-minded participation through community service. Our history curriculum is aligned with California State Standards and historical analysis skills. Instructional delivery is focused on guiding questions and projects as we build student understanding of various historical perspectives using first-hand accounts. Students build chronological and spatial thinking; consider research, evidence, and point of view; and analyze historical interpretation. We interweave historical content into our reading and writing curricula as well. This provides opportunities for students to explore, analyze and deepen their understanding of community, diversity and multiculturalism.
5th grade - United States History and Geography
6th grade - Ancient Civilizations World History and Geography
7th grade - Medieval and Early Modern Times World History and Geography

At Larchmont, we believe in the importance of learning other languages. Through our constructivist approach, students use their background knowledge, experience of living in Los Angeles, and connections to other languages to engage in speaking, listening, reading, and writing in Spanish. Our robust Spanish program utilizes interdisciplinary projects and project based learning to learn the fundamentals of the language. Our goal is to encourage our students to love learning a new language and motivate them to become fluent in Spanish through a vertically aligned curriculum from 5th grade to their senior year in high school.
School Yard
Since 2009, Larchmont Charter School has been part of a massive, exciting experiment: the Edible Schoolyard program established by chef and activist Alice Waters. Larchmont is one of a handful of schools that was chosen to help launch this program and revolutionize the way children think about food, farming, community and the environment. We are being studied and watched across the country!
What is ESY’s mission?
Waters considers food a vehicle for social change. She believes that if Americans would choose seasonal, organic food grown sustainably and eat together around a common table, we could, as a nation, begin to restore family values, rebuild our communities and take better care of our bodies and our environment. She believes the place to begin this change is with children, in public schools.
How do our kids experience the ESY program at Larchmont Charter?
Eco-literacy, stemming from both the physical and social sciences, is a core philosophy of our charter at Larchmont Charter School. The Edible Schoolyard program promotes the tenets of eco-literacy by teaching children to garden, prepare and eat local seasonal food. In the process, they awaken their senses, learn about nutrition, help to build community, and begin to take personal responsibility for the physical earth and the social community.
All students at the Selma campus have kitchen cooking classes and gardening classes. Students learn about science, math and social studies while learning how to compost, collect soil samples, read and create recipes and acquire basic kitchen skills.
How does lunch fit in?
The ESY curriculum is also evident in our innovative school lunch program. The lunch we provide is made from scratch in the commissary kitchen at Fairfax, using produce sourced from our local farmer’s market and meats that are humanely raised and hormone and antibiotic free. The seasonal menu, prepared by Chef Hugo Silva, includes familiar favorites (like soups on Mondays and pasta every Wednesday) as well as a range of other cuisines and flavors that reflect the diversity of our student body and expose kids to new dishes. The lunch program is also woven into the students’ experience outside of the lunchroom. Students participate in menu meetings, recipe contests, special meals that they help cook for the entire campus and other experiences that directly help shape our lunch program. We hope you will embrace this truly remarkable part of our school!
How can you help?
There are many ways to support ESY at LCS. You could:
Support ESY activities and fundraising throughout the year.
Volunteer to help serve lunch. Volunteers are an integral part of the lunch program. Many parents have described this as a, particularly rewarding volunteer experience because they get to see their children during the day and enjoy a meal afterward.
Support a home-school connection by growing your own garden with our children, encouraging adventurous eating by introducing new dishes into your regular rotation, and composting either as an eater or a gardener. You can add your compost to your green bin if you don’t have a garden.
Sign your children up for our terrific lunch program. If you give it time, and approach it in a matter-of-fact way, you (and they!) will be surprised by what they end up devouring.

Arts & Music
Visual And Performing Arts courses
5th Grade
Visual Arts
General Music
6th Grade
Visual Arts
General Music
7th Grade
American Sign Language
Image Makers - Photography
Movie Makers - Video
Digital Media
Extended Arts Classes (after school, all grades)
Art Club
Street Art
Drum Ensemble
Vocal Workshop
Visit the Selma Arts & Music page.

Cross Country
Girls Volleyball
Flag Football
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Track & Field
Boys Volleyball
Visit the Selma Athletics page.
Student Support
Social-Emotional Learning
and Special Education
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
At LCS we believe that social and emotional learning is integral to academic success. A number of tools have been blended together to create an SEL program that specifically develops skills in self-recognition & emotional self-management, empathy toward others, conflict resolution and problem-solving.
Key components within Social Emotional Learning include:
SLO's (School-wide Learning Outcomes), integrated into all of our lessons and interactions with students throughout the day.
Mindfulness, which creates space for students, changing their impulsive reactions to more thoughtful responses.
Positive discipline/alternatives to suspension. We understand that students are still developing an understanding of school expectations, friendships, and countless other skills required to navigate a school setting. With that in mind, our discipline policy/student guidance plan, focuses on a restorative approach to addressing any negative behaviors which may occur at school. Restorative systems include: mediation, conversations, reflection time, repairs, community service, goal plans, and much more.
For more information regarding Larchmont Charter's Student Support Services and special education, please contact Myra Salinas at
See additional resources below:
Special Education
The vision of Larchmont Charter’s special education program is to ensure life success and/or college success by providing quality instruction to all students with special needs in the least restrictive environment. While the co-teaching model is the ideal method in providing instruction for students with special needs, Larchmont Charter recognizes that given its student population and facilities challenges, it will take some time to achieve this goal. At this time Larchmont Charter implements a pull-out/push-in method in providing services for students with special needs.
Larchmont Charter also provides speech, occupational therapy, counseling, adapted physical education, educational- related intensive counseling services, recreational therapy, and behavior intervention supports.
Our goal for our students with special needs is to master strategies and skills to compensate for their unique learning profiles to enable them to demonstrate learning or proficiency/mastery of the common core standards with the end goal of being exited from the special education program prior to high school graduation.
Differentiation & Gifted Learners: The year begins with an assessment of each learner’s ability level, against which individual progress is regularly measured. This is coupled with high expectations for all students, enabling students at all levels to thrive. Larchmont Charter School does not offer separate classes for Gifted/Talented learners. Rather, within the auspices of our program, we utilize curriculum, approaches, and instructional methods which allow us to meet students at their level and to be able to provide differentiated and rigorous learning opportunities.