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Volunteering is what makes Larchmont Charter School strong year after year.

Family involvement is how our school was founded and it literally has made our school run for the last 17 years. Your talents in the classroom, your energy at school events, and your commitment to fundraising teams helps make Larchmont Charter School the incredible school it is. 


We suggest that each family commit to 25 volunteer hours per school year, or 40 hours for families with more than one student at the school. It’s a great way to make new friends and become part of the community. Extended family members (e.g., grandparents) are welcome to help complete the suggested hours, too.


Great volunteer opportunities are waiting for you!

Please visit our Volunteer Interest Form, check all the volunteer options that interest you, and you will be contacted by a committee chair.


Know where you want to volunteer?

We ask that you complete the steps below so you can begin to help on campus, on school field trips, and/or at school events.


  1. Look over the Visitors & Volunteers Guidelines to understand what forms you'll need to complete for various volunteer roles. 

  2. Fill out the Volunteer Application packet and include the necessary forms listed below that are appropriate for your role as a volunteer:

    • Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment & Clearance form

    • DOJ Livescan form

    • Volunteer Driver Application (help shuttle students to & from sports events)

  3. Submit all necessary forms from the Volunteer Application packet to your campus office. 



Please contact your campus office or Jackie Gonzalez, Operations Manager, at


Thank you!



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