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ParentSquare is a unified mobile app and website portal that equips parents, teachers and administrators to communicate and interact via posts, school activity groups and direct messaging. Parents may also view report cards, progress reports, student attendance, fill out forms, sign up to volunteer and chat with other parents.
StudentSquare is the mobile app for LCS students in grades 5-12. It enables them to receive all posts, events, sign-up requests, photos and files.
Grades and Assignments
Google Classroom is the portal where teachers post assignments, share announcements, collect student work and provide feedback all in one place. All students, grades 5-12, have their own Google Suite account that includes an LCS email, Drive, Docs, Classroom and Google Meet applications.
PowerSchool allows students and parents to access grades & attendance and update family contact information.
Parents, Classes, Payments & Forms
After School Program includes registration for basic after school care and enrollment for after school enrichment classes.
Curacubby is the portal that enables parents use to sign in & out of after school care and make payments.
LCS Forms - download LCS-required forms, such as Lunch Registration, Health forms, Permission Slips, Student Handbook, Community Agreements, etc.
LOOP - the pages for parents at each campus.
Online Learning
Duolingo - A language-learning website and mobile app, which includes a digital language-proficiency assessment exam.
Google Meet - Real-time video meetings on the Google platform.
MobyMax - Supplemental curriculum that creates an individualized education plan for each student, allowing gifted students to progress as quickly as they like while simultaneously ensuring that remedial students get the extra instruction they need.
Seesaw - Platform where students can use creative tools to take pictures, draw and record videos to capture learning in a portfolio. Teachers find or create activities to share with students.
Zoom is the application where students and teachers can meet online in a virtual classroom.
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