at Lafayette Park

Opening its doors in 2012, Larchmont's secondary program at Lafayette Park (LFP) serves approximately 525 students ranging from 9th grade to 12th grade. The high expectations of Larchmont's secondary programs rigorously prepare students for college, while continuing to foster the sense of community, love of learning and creative processes that are the hallmark of our elementary and middle school programs.
All students receive rigorous college preparatory humanities, mathematics, and science instruction from quality educators who focus on the unique needs of the learner through the constructivist lens. Students are encouraged to creatively utilize what they learn and apply it, to positively address challenges occurring in the world around them and have access to engaging elective courses, like Edible Schoolyard cooking and gardening, yoga, dance, humanities, arts, technology and science. Students additionally form, lead and manage a series of self-directed clubs, which help them continue to grow as well-rounded, successful people, able to gain entrance to the college and career path of their choice.
LFP's secondary curriculum is designed to meet and exceed the college admission requirements of top universities and colleges. LFP's courses are aligned to the new Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Consistent with Larchmont’s inquiry-based educational philosophy and approach, the CCSS emphasizes the development of critical thinking skills and the experience of reading and writing across the curriculum. Larchmont students therefore explore non-fiction materials from varied academic areas while continuing to read fiction from varied sources and time periods. These experiences serve to help students build the analytical skills necessary to successfully complete junior and senior year research seminars and signature project.
In 11th grade, students take the Junior Research Seminar course in preparation for the 12th grade Senior Seminar where they complete their Senior Hallmark Project and an imbedded SAT preparation program. The Signature Project, a graduation requirement in the senior year, includes an extensive and well-researched thesis, oral presentation and an action research component focused on an area of each student’s interest.
In order to graduate, students are required to successfully complete a minimum of 230 credits in four years in grades 9 through 12 and meet proficiency standards as determined by the State of California. Graduation requirements have also been designed to meet the University of California/California State University A-G requirements. All courses offered, with the sole exception of P.E., meet A-G requirements. Core content area courses and most electives satisfy A-G course requirements for admission to University of California and other highly selective universities. Currently, we offer twelve Advanced Placement courses including AP World History, AP US History, AP Government, AP English Language, AP English Literature, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, AP Statistics, AP Spanish Language, AP Spanish Literature, AP Biology, and AP Environmental Science.
The secondary program has a vibrant after-school programming where students can seek out additional academic support and enrichment opportunities. Athletics offered to 9th-12th students are part of an official CIF-sanctioned program. High school sports include men's and women's tennis, men's and women's volleyball, men's and women's basketball, men's and women's soccer, track and cross country. Middle school sports include all of the aforementioned options with the addition of flag football and baseball.

English courses
English 9
English 10
English 11
English 12
AP English Language
AP English Literature
Creative Writing
At LFP all students have the opportunity to take an AP level course math by their Senior year.
Current Math Program Offerings
Algebra I
Algebra II
Math Analysis
Introduction to Engineering
Pre Calculus
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Statistics

Science courses
AP Biology
Environmental Science
AP Environmental Science
History courses
World Geography
World History
AP World History
US History
AP US History
US Government/Economics
AP US Government

Foreign Language
Spanish courses
Spanish I
Spanish I for Native Speakers
Spanish II
Spanish II for Native Speakers
Spanish III
AP Spanish Language
AP Spanish Literature
Elective courses
Edible Schoolyard: Cooking
Edible Schoolyard: Gardening
Advanced Dance
Computer Science
Mock Trial
Physical Conditioning
Music Theory
Intro to Film
Advanced Film

School Yard
The Edible Schoolyard Garden at LFP reflects the core values of both our charter and our affiliation with The Edible Schoolyard Project, founded by Alice Waters in Berkeley, CA. The goals of our program are:
To create and maintain green spaces on campus while studying nature on and around our urban schoolyard. We primarily do this through hands-on maintenance and project oriented work days.
To begin taking ownership of your learning through activities such as growing plants from seed, preservation practices, garden to table & body care recipes and tastings, collaboration, scientific exploration, DIY activities and more.
To gain a deeper understanding of our responsibilities to protect the environment through conservation and sustainable practices.
To cultivate plant life for our own enjoyment while also creating ecosystems for pollinators and birds. Doing this in such an urban setting, we learn more about the available resources and considerations given our climate requirements.
Visual And Performing Arts
Visual And Performing Arts courses
Introduction to Chorus
Advanced Chorus
Music Theory
Introduction to Film
Advanced Film
Introduction to Theater
Advanced Theater
Introduction to Art
Advanced Art
Studio Art
Visit the LFP VAPA page.

Boys & Girls Basketball
Boys & Girls Soccer
Boys & Girls Volleyball
Boys & Girls Track
Boys & Girls Cross Country
Boys & Girls Tennis
Visit the LFP Athletics page.
Student Support
Academic Counseling, Social-Emotional Learning
and Special Education
Social-Emotional Learning
At LCS we believe that social and emotional learning is integral to academic success. A number of tools have been blended together to create an SEL program that specifically develops skills in self-recognition & emotional self-management, empathy toward others, conflict resolution and problem-solving.
Key components within Social Emotional Learning include:
SLO's (School-wide Learning Outcomes), integrated into all of our lessons and interactions with students throughout the day.
mindfulness, which creates space for students, changing their impulsive reactions to more thoughtful responses.
positive discipline/alternatives to suspension. We understand that students are still developing an understanding of school expectations, friendships, and countless other skills required to navigate a school setting. With that in mind, our discipline policy/student guidance plan, focuses on a restorative approach to addressing any negative behaviors which may occur at school. Restorative systems include: mediation, conversations, reflection time, repairs, community service, goal plans, and much more.
For more information regarding Larchmont Charter's Student Support Services and special education, please contact Myra Salinas at
See additional resources below:
Special Education
The vision of Larchmont Charter’s special education program is to ensure life success and/or college success by providing quality instruction to all students with special needs in the least restrictive environment. While the co-teaching model is the ideal method in providing instruction for students with special needs, Larchmont Charter recognizes that given its student population and facilities challenges, it will take some time to achieve this goal. At this time Larchmont Charter implements a pull-out/push-in method in providing services for students with special needs.
Larchmont Charter also provides speech, occupational therapy, counseling, adapted physical education, educational- related intensive counseling services, recreational therapy, and behavior intervention supports.
Our goal for our students with special needs is to master strategies and skills to compensate for their unique learning profiles to enable them to demonstrate learning or proficiency/mastery of the common core standards with the end goal of being exited from the special education program prior to high school graduation.
Differentiation &
Gifted Learners
The year begins with an assessment of each learner’s ability level, against which individual progress is regularly measured. This is coupled with high expectations for all students, enabling students at all levels to thrive. Larchmont Charter School does not offer separate classes for Gifted/Talented learners. Rather, within the auspices of our program, we utilize curriculum, approaches, and instructional methods which allow us to meet students at their level and to be able to provide differentiated and rigorous learning opportunities.